win over


win over 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. to gain the support or consent ofAlso: win round

win over 近义词

win over

等同于 win/win over

win over

等同于 induce

win over

等同于 persuade

win over

等同于 placate

win over

等同于 prevail upon/prevail on

win over

等同于 prompt

win over

等同于 reason

win over

等同于 reconcile

win over

等同于 recruit

win over

等同于 satisfy

win over

等同于 sway

win over

等同于 conciliate

win over

等同于 curry favor

win over

等同于 prevail on

win over

等同于 bring around

win over

等同于 charm

win over

等同于 spellbind

win over

等同于 convince

win over

等同于 disarm

win over

等同于 draw

win over

等同于 allure

win over

等同于 gain

win over

等同于 get

更多win over例句

  1. Except the Braves did not win 14 straight pennants (they did win 14 straight division titles), and Smoltz is a also Republican.
  2. They are always suspended over a precipice, dangling by a slender thread that shows every sign of snapping.
  3. And now, similarly, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee: "Bend over and take it like a prisoner!"
  4. Perhaps on his own nowadays, Epstein is trying his best to webmaster over a dozen URLs.
  5. But yes, I pictured a James Bond-type just sauntering over to her.
  6. It is most peculiar, and when he plays that way, the most bewitching little expression comes over his face.
  7. Bessires was included because he would never win it at any later date, but his doglike devotion made him a priceless subordinate.
  8. All over the world the just claims of organized labor are intermingled with the underground conspiracy of social revolution.
  9. After we had passed over this desert, we found several garisons to defend the caravans from the violence of the Tartars.
  10. After relievedly giving the pistol to the nearest soldier, he stumbled quickly over to Brion and took his hand.